Welcome To Kol Shofar
Kol Shofar is a dynamic congregation rooted in the enduring values of Jewish traditions, while embracing innovations that enrich contemporary Jewish life. We cultivate personal spiritual growth and connection to a caring community. Together we create meaningful, accessible experiences of learning, prayer, service, and celebration to help people of all ages and diverse backgrounds live more purposeful lives and improve the world.
Upcoming Events
Cantor's Prayerbook Hebrew Class
Thursday, Feb 6th 11:00a to 12:00pLearn the Hebrew for services.
Lunch and Learn
Thursday, Feb 6th 12:15p to 1:15pJoin the Rabbi as well as friends and community members for an engaging hour of study on topics ranging from the weekly Torah portion to timely Jewish issues. Please only bring vegetarian food.
Childcare During Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat, Feb 8th 10:00a to 12:00pProvided each week during the school year. RSVP required by Wednesday end of day so that we can plan adequately. Made possible with funding from Rabbi Paul Steinberg's Discretionary Fund.
ENTER community
We embrace a shared responsibility to each other, and we care for each other when in need, and celebrate together during holidays and moments of joy.
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Tikkun Olam is our sacred duty to heal our world and help the stranger. We embrace our responsibility as a community to leave this world better than we found it.
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We are a community of purposeful, serious learners from our young to our old, striving to deepen our spiritual lives and Jewish knowledge.
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